Julius Bailey, Ph.D.

The H. Eugene Farlough-California Chair in African-American Christianity, Graduate School of Theology
艺术学院宗教研究教授 & Sciences

Photo of Julius Bailey, Ph.D.

Areas of Expertise

  • Race & Ethnic Issues
  • Social Science
  • Religion in America
  • 非裔美国人宗教历史
  • Church History
  • New Religious Movements
  • Religion in the American West
  • AME Church History



M.A, Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996

Ph.D., Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003
Dissertation: “Around the Domestic Altar: Domesticity in the 非洲卫理公会, 1865-1900.”

For the Media

Contact :
Media Relations


Larsen Hall
P: 909.748.8678
E: julius_bailey@cookbookss.com

Meet Dr. Bailey

Dr. Julius H. Bailey is a Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Redlands. He received a B.A. 获得西方学院宗教研究学士学位和硕士学位.A. and Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 他教授宗教各方面的课程. He has written three books, Down in the Valley: An Introduction to 非裔美国人宗教历史 (Fortress Press, 2016), Race Patriotism: Protest and Print Culture in the 非洲卫理公会 (田纳西大学出版社,2012), and Around the Family Altar: Domesticity in the 非洲卫理公会, 1865-1900(佛罗里达大学出版社), 2005)以及几篇文章, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries. 他还做过关于非洲神话的讲座,题目是, 《世界的伟大神话:非洲,,由“伟大课程”DVD系列制作.

Courses Taught

African American Religions

American Religious History

New Religious Movements

Religion and Popular Culture

Religion and Social Protest

Senior Seminar


宗教研究系副教授.2007 - 2013年,美国威尼斯人平台



Down in the Valley: An Introduction to 非裔美国人宗教历史 (Fortress Press, 2016)

Race Patriotism: Protest and Print Culture in the 非洲卫理公会 

Around the Family Altar: Domesticity in the 非洲卫理公会, 1865-1900(佛罗里达大学出版社), 2005)

Articles and Book Chapters:

“Sacred Not Secret: Esoteric Knowledge in the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors,” in Esotericism in African American Religious Experience: “There is a Mystery” (Brill, 2014)

“‘Cult’ Knowledge: The Challenges of Studying New Religious Movements in America,,摘自《做近代史:论隐私》, Copyright, Video Games, Institutional Review Boards, Activist Scholarship, and History That Talks Back 

“Masculinizing the Pulpit: Images of the Black Preacher in Nineteenth-Century America,” in Fathers, Preachers, Rebels, Men: Black Masculinity in U. S. History and Literature, 1820-1945 (Ohio State University Press, 2011)

“Classifying the ‘Great World Religions’: The Legacy of Darwinism in the Study of African Traditional Religions,” in 150 Years of Evolution: Darwin’s Impact on the Humanities and Social Sciences (San Diego State University Press, 2011)

“Fearing Hate: Re-Examining the Media Coverage of the Christian Identity Movement,《威尼斯人平台》第4期, n 1 (Spring 2010): 55-73

“‘That Hardy Race of Pioneers’: Constructions of Race and Masculinity in AME Church Histories, 1865-1900,宗教研究协会理事会公报第36页, n 1 (February 2007): 7-10 

“The Final Frontier: Secrecy, Identity, and the Media in the Rise and Fall of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors,《威尼斯人平台》
v 74, n 2(2006年6月):302-323

Encyclopedia Entries:

“Eric B. & Rakim,” Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History (Facts on File, 2010)

“Father Divine,” Encyclopedia of African American History (ABC-CLIO, 2010)

“Heaven’s Gate,《美国反主流文化:不墨守成规者百科全书, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History (M.E. Sharpe, 2008)

“Rebecca Steward,” African American National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2008)

“Ancestor Worship,”“非洲卫理公会圣公会,《非洲和美洲:文化, Politics, and History (ABC-CLIO, 2008)

非洲卫理公会(AME)教会,《奴隶反抗与叛乱百科全书, v 1 (Greenwood Press, 2007)

“Benjamin T. Tanner,” “Theophilus Gould Steward,” “Henry McNeal Turner,” The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Literature (Greenwood Press, 2005)

“Women’s Missionary Society, 非洲卫理公会,“复兴教会的黑人卫理公会教徒。,”“全国黑人牧师会议,”“黑人教会兄弟会,” Organizing Black America: An Encyclopedia of African American Associations (Routledge, 2001)

“New Faiths to North Carolina: Islam,” Tar Heel Junior Historian (Spring 1998)

Book Reviews:

Review of Sylvester A. Johnson, African American Religions, 1500-2000: Colonialism, Democracy, 《威尼斯人平台》(剑桥大学出版社), 2015), 美国历史评论121(4)1300-1301 (2016)

Review of Calvin White, Jr., 体面的崛起:种族, Religion, 和基督教会(阿肯色大学出版社), 2012), 《威尼斯人平台》(2014年2月)

Review of Susan Palmer, 努瓦比亚民族:黑人灵性与国家控制(阿什盖特), 2010) Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions 16(4) 152-154 (2013)

Review of J. Gordon Melton, A Will to Choose: The Origins of African American Methodism (Rowman & Littlefield, 2007)美国历史杂志(2008年3月)

Review of Carolyn M. 琼斯和西奥多·路易斯·特罗斯特编., 教授非裔美国人宗教(牛津大学出版社), 2005), 教导神学与宗教第11节, issue 1 (2008) 60-61.

Review of Sally Gregory McMillen’s To Raise Up the South: Sunday Schools in Black and White Churches, 1865-1915(路易斯安那州立大学出版社), 2002) AME教会评论(2003)

Review of Paul Harvey, Redeeming the South: Religious Cultures and Racial Identities among Southern Baptists, 1865-1925(北卡罗莱纳大学出版社), 1997) Koinonia (Fall 1998)

Awards, Honors, Grants







LENS Fellowship (G.I.S/Spatial Learning), 2011







美国宗教青年学者项目, 宗教与美国文化研究中心, IUPUI, 2005-2006

Wabash Center For Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion, Summer Fellowship, 2006

Wabash Center Workshop on Teaching and Learning for Pre-Tenure Faculty at Colleges and Universities, 2005-2006

NEH Summer Seminar: “Roots: African Dimensions of the Early History and Cultures of the Americas,” University of Virginia, 2005



University of North Carolina Tanner Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 1999

研究生奖学金, The Graduate School, 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校, 1994-1997

Invited Presentations

“Competing for California: Contested Religious Space Among Nineteenth-Century Black Churches,” November 2017, Western History Association, San Diego, CA

“Sacralizing the Land: The Nineteenth-Century Expansion of the AME Church in the American West,” November 2016, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas

“Nineteenth-Century Black Print Culture and the American Bible Society,” November 2016, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas

“Public Opinion, Social Issues, 以及非裔美国人宗教出版社,” November 2014, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

“Sacred Not Secret: Esoteric Knowledge in the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors,” November 2014, American Academy of Religion, San Diego, CA

“Polygamists or What Not, One Wife or Forty: Ambivalent Attitudes Toward Mormonism in Nineteenth-Century AME Church Print Culture,” November 2013, American Academy of Religion, Baltimore, Maryland

“Historical Narrative in the AME Church,” April 2012, Loma Linda University, 
Loma Linda, CA

“书写教学奖学金”(工作坊), November 2011, American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, CA

《面对困惑:新任务的危险和前景,” November 2010, 美国宗教学会年会, Atlanta, Georgia

“‘非洲人’应该留在我们的头衔里吗??19世纪AME教会对达尔文主义的回应,” January 2010, 美国教会历史学会, San Diego, California

“Defending the Faith from Darwin: Evolutionary Theory in the Nineteenth-Century Black Church,” February 2009, 全国非裔美国人研究协会, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Chair, “Diasporic Networks” Session, October 2008, 美国研究协会年会, Albuquerque, New Mexico

“‘Too Light to Lead’: Daniel Coker and Racial Liminality in the Early 非洲卫理公会,” March 2008, Biennial Boston College Conference on the History of Religion ‘Religious Identities,’ Boston, Massachusetts

“‘非洲人’应该留在我们的头衔里吗??非洲卫理公会的美国化, 1868-1884,” February 2008, 全国非裔美国人研究协会, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

《想象美国西部:本杰明. 坦纳与AME教会的种族命运政治,” November 2007, 美国宗教学会年会, 
San Diego, California

“‘That Hardy Race of Pioneers’: Constructions of Race and Masculinity in AME Church Histories, 1865-1900,” November 2005, 美国宗教学会年会, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

弗朗西丝·艾伦·沃特金斯·哈珀和母亲的种族维度,” March 2004, 美国宗教学院/西部地区, Whittier, California

“Benjamin T. 坦纳与AME教会报纸《孩子的》的创立 

“Around the Domestic Altar: Nineteenth-Century African-American Family Religious Life, 1865-1890,” March 2000, 美国宗教学会东南地区会议, Atlanta, Georgia

“Sculpting the Future: Nineteenth-Century 非洲卫理公会 Histories,” March 2000, 
Indiana Association of Historians Twentieth Annual Meeting, New Harmony, Indiana

“The Problem of ‘We’: Pedagogical strategies for the Multicultural Classroom,” 
April 1999, 3rd Annual Celebration of Teaching Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

宗教与奴隶/主人关系中的道德困境,” March 1999, 第十届非洲裔美国人文化年会 & Experience, 
Greensboro, North Carolina

《美国的宗教与种族:对迈克尔·埃里克·戴森的回应,” April 1998, 50th Anniversary Symposium, Religion and Society in the 21st Century: A View From The Public University, Chapel Hill, North Carolina


University of North Carolina Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars
American Academy of Religion
American Studies Association